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You can add your own icons to the module and use them in your maps on your page. The module comes with some icons preinstalled, but it's easy to add your own icons:

You can also delete the icons here. Be careful though, the icon may be added to a marker so you should not delete it! The script throws a warning if you intend to do so.


New in GoogleMaps Module V3.5!
We added the possibility to group the icons in iconsets:
Add folders in the 'icons' folder within the module, these folders must have CHMOD 777 permissions! Only one level is possible/supported.
The 'icons' folder appears in the module as 'default', all it's subfolders as you name them. Do NOT change the name of the 'icons' folder!

<note important>Once set up you should not change the folders name or delete them. The module links from the maps in frontend to these folders for the markericons. So when you change anything here there might be issues with broken links for the icons in frontend!</note>

A good source for marker icons:

Add new icons

3rd-party-modules/googlemaps/googlemaps-docu/googlemaps-docu-icons.1357144899.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:06 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0