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3rd-party-modules:googlemaps:googlemaps-docu:googlemaps-docu-icons [2013/01/02 20:39]
Peter Bracher
3rd-party-modules:googlemaps:googlemaps-docu:googlemaps-docu-icons [2018/06/03 18:08] (current)
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This is how the icon and the shadow are put together.\\ This is how the icon and the shadow are put together.\\
You can theoretically use every size for the icon but don't go much further than 40px.\\ You can theoretically use every size for the icon but don't go much further than 40px.\\
-Note: the shadow is aligned with the icon in the lower left corner, so if your icon is 32 wide you must set the tip of the shadow 16px from the left lower corner to the right to fit the tip of the icon.\\+Note: the shadow is aligned with the icon in the lower left corner, so if your icon is 32px wide you must set the tip of the shadow 16px from the left lower corner to the right to fit the tip of the icon.\\
\\ \\
Shadow is optional though, most modern icons don't use the shadow anymore.\\ Shadow is optional though, most modern icons don't use the shadow anymore.\\
3rd-party-modules/googlemaps/googlemaps-docu/googlemaps-docu-icons.1357155591.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/03 18:06 (external edit)
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