Table of Contents

CP Event Listing

First you choose which calendars/categories you want to include in your frontend

then you choose what kind of frontend output you need; event listing, teaser listing or minicalendar

Event Listing

Choose the template with its corresponding css file.
To add/edit the templates see the indicated path in your module directory.

You can define a selection field (dropdown in frontend) according to your requirements with the given variables.
Leave the field empty for no drop down.

Does exactly what's indicated.
You'll need this mostly when you want to display the Listing and the mini calendar on the same page an get only the entries for the selected month.

Sort and filtering options.

You have the option between showing always all entries for the given month/year or only the entries from the actual date and up/down.

You can enable/disable the print function here with the option to display the link in frontend with an image instead a textlink.
Same for the iCalendar link. (Ads an link for the entire calendar and/or every single entry in the listing - according to your RT's in the template)
When you disable the latter two here, then they will not be displayed in frontend even if you add the RT's to your template.

New in V1.2
The coolest image-drop-down ever! try it and donate ;-)

New in V1.2
RSS Feed can be activated here.
It writes an xml file to the folder: /content/rss/ and adds a reference in frontend rendering to this file.
The user can subscribe to the RSS feed with your calendar entries.

This feature is still under developement. Right now its rather static, the file will be written when you save/update the CP with the event listing or when you update the RSS file in the overview tab in the calendars module section. An enhanced version with auto-updating abilities may come soon.

Pattern for the RT's in the template for 'event list'

The sections of the template and the RT's within the different sections are rendered by the script.

Note: usually the '[CALENDAR_xxx' pattern represents the content of the field and the '[LANG_xxx' pattern represents the titel for the field as translated in the frontend language section of the module (default is english) - means, that the titles appear in the browser-language of your users.

Note the special date format functions: {FORMAT_DATE:j}
It's easy to add eye catching effects to your event listings with that option.
See the reference at php manual for all the date options.

    [IMAGE_URL]<a href="{IMAGE_URL}"{IMAGE_URL_TARGET}>[/IMAGE_URL]<img src="img/cmsimage.php/150x150x1/{IMAGE_ID}" alt="{IMAGE}" border="0" />[IMAGE_URL]</a>[/IMAGE_URL]
    <a href="img/cmsimage.php/600x400/{IMAGE_ID}" target="_blank"{LIGHTBOX}[LIGHTBOX_CAPTION] title="{LIGHTBOX_CAPTION}"[/LIGHTBOX_CAPTION]>
    <img src="img/cmsimage.php/100x100x1/{IMAGE_ID}" alt="{IMAGE}" border="0" />